In “Ask A&C,” University of Mississippi students ask questions about university and Oxford life, and members of the arts and culture writing staff answer with their own personal takes. This week, sophomore psychology and exercise science major Katie LeBlanc asks: “Sleep vs. cram for final exams?” She says she prefers to sleep.

Aliza Warner
I have crammed during finals weeks in the past, and I can say with 100% certainty that they were some of the worst and most stressful experiences in my academic career. So, I prefer sleeping at night and getting some rest before any exam. Those hours of sleep may shorten during finals week, but I always feel better on exam day. Before sleeping, I like to include small moments of self-care, like reading a book or watching my favorite comfort show to help me unwind. However, I wouldn’t say I am against cramming. Only do it when it is absolutely necessary!
Sarah McRaney
When it comes to getting ready for an exam or even writing an essay, I prioritize sleep over everything. Something that I have learned throughout my years of college is that I do not do well when I am tired. I remember freshman year when I crammed for a test the night before, and then I fell asleep while trying to take it. It does not matter how long someone crams information before a test, if the brain does not get rest, then it will not retain all the information it needs. Getting up early and doing work throughout the day so I can get a good night’s rest has helped me do so much better on exams rather than cramming. Sleep is great, and I never want to miss a chance to rest. Plus, it is really hard to take a test with your eyes closed.
Lydia Waters
I prefer to sleep throughout exam week so that I feel well rested and prepared for my exams. I personally learn better by studying over time instead of cramming, so I study a little bit every single day for a week leading up to the exam. That way, I still have free time and lots of time to rest for the night before. Anytime I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep before an exam, I always feel worse about it afterwards!
Jeridiane Ray
I nap all semester to prepare my body for the work and grind of finals. Each semester, one course that I’ve taken has required me to pull a 24-hour all-nighter in order to review all of the material that I’ve missed and skipped throughout the semester. Last semester, I went out to Code Pink on a Thursday night, and then I came back to my dorm, took a cold shower and opened my notes. I studied up until the time of my Portuguese final at 8 a.m. Needless to say, I made an A on my final, and of course, slept for 12 hours afterward.
Isabelle Frost
When it comes to finals week, I am definitely more of a crammer. I’m usually a lot more productive at night, so I like to sleep in and then stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning. When I was a freshman, I would go to the Minor Hall study room until morning and then go straight to class. The P.O.D Market’s Papa Johns carried me through so many late night study sessions. With that being said, even though this is my routine, I would recommend for others to get a good night’s sleep before tests.
Julia Ross
As much as I would like to think I take my time and study during the daytime and rest at night, I find myself always staying up late the week of the test, not prepared. I truly believe these sets of exams will not be much different when it comes to studying. I did study during day hours for the midterms this year, but I think that was just because I was nervous and wanted to do really well.
Mary Evans
As much as I believe in a more balanced approach to studying, I really am a major procrastinator. There’s something about the adrenaline rush of a last-minute cram session that brings out my best work. I wouldn’t recommend this strategy to most people because it makes taking the test the next day a nightmare, but it works pretty well for me. I like to reward myself after the test with a nice long nap.