As members of the class of 2026 start their academic careers at the University of Mississippi — 60 years after James Meredith became the first African American to enroll at the school — four freshmen reflect on Meredith’s courage, the history of the institution and how they see themselves fitting into the civil rights icon’s legacy.

Keith Thomas, a freshman allied health studies major, believes the anniversary being celebrated with many events on campus reminds people of society embracing racial differences.
“At first, Black people were not accepted into the university,” Thomas said. “But now they are, which shows how the world is changing and allowing people of more color into society.”
Edward Hunter, a freshman political science major, added that Meredith’s story helped him decide to attend the University of Mississippi.
“Back in high school, we learned about James Meredith and all of his doings,” Hunter said. “It made me want to come to Ole Miss and learn more about the history of it.”
Meredith’s courage to enroll at Ole Miss was met with critical scrutiny and violent backlash from a mob of angry white segregationists. The Ole Miss riot of 1962 lasted two days, resulting in injuries of hundreds of people and the deaths of local Ray Gunter and French reporter Paul Guihard.
Carolena Graham, a freshman civil engineering major, shared her initial reaction when she first learned about the riots.
“I didn’t know about the challenges (James Meredith) faced,” Graham said. “It wasn’t until recently when I visited the University Museum where I saw actual pictures of the riots and read about his story. It made me feel kind of sick.”
Despite the unrelenting oppression Meredith dealt with, his bravery inspired future generations and allowed diversity to flourish in the Ole Miss community.
“I see a lot of Black students as well as students from international countries,” Edward Hunter said. “And I think Meredith’s integration helped with letting other students attend the school.”
Mackenzie Knighten, a freshman public policy leadership major, talked about the significance of seeing African American peers attend school with her.
“It’s an inspirational thing to see other Black students close to my age range accomplish things on campus, do big internships and do well in their classes,” Knighten said. “It’s also a good networking strategy to know there are successful and intellectual Black leaders you’re growing up with.”
Students of today aim to carry the history of Meredith. Through documentaries, receptions and even an appearance and speech from the trailblazer, the University of Mississippi continues to remind students and peers of his legacy and why he must remain an icon for others to admire.