Last week, the Associated Student Body senate released a draft of legislation aimed at relocating the university’s Confederate monument on the Circle to the on-campus Confederate cemetery. Soon after, other campus groups and communities took to voicing their own opinions about Ole Miss’s Confederate monument.
The Graduate Student Council Senate passed a resolution on Monday night urging the university to relocate the Confederate monument to the cemetery. The Senate voted 15-4 with one abstention.
The ASB followed suit Tuesday night, unanimously passing their original resolution 47-0.
The faculty senate is expected to consider a similar resolution on Thursday night, furthering the discussion about the Confederate monument’s relocation.
Ahead of the faculty senate’s impending vote, the Twitter community shared its thoughts on the monument’s potential relocation.
Great! Would feel even better if the move happened tonight.
— Scott Galloway (@ScottGalloway3) March 5, 2019
It’s not the responsibility of Ole Miss any other university to be the curator of hate. The students have won.
Love has won!
— TJ LSU DAD (@tj_lsudad) March 6, 2019
wait, the confederate cemetery is on the university campus 🤔so moving the monument from the square to the campus will continue to bring pro-confederate supporters to rally at a different location on campus🥴 that is no change #WeNeedChange
— AmericanRanch (@lettertomyheart) March 6, 2019
The Ole Miss student government just unanimously voted to move the Confederate statue. The voice of the next generation didn’t whisper. It YELLED. #ForwardRebels
— Seth Dickinson (@Seth_Dickinson) March 6, 2019
I have always maintained that the fate of Confederate monuments across this country will ultimately be determined by this generation. #CivilWarMemory
— Kevin M. Levin (@KevinLevin) March 6, 2019
I think a vital part of the conversation though is that both statues not only educate us about our past, they also celebrate the figures they depict. We need to understand our history, but James Meredith is also someone I would like to celebrate, and the university greys are not
— Julia James (@juliaruthjames) March 5, 2019
First day of Lent and the whole university is giving up Confederate iconography
— JT 🌹 (@Insurgent_Prof) March 6, 2019
As an alumni I don’t want them moved. It represents a place we should never go back to but you can’t erase it.
— anita drury (@DruryAnita) March 5, 2019
So proud of our student body and their unanimous vote to remove the Confederate statue.
— Antonia Eliason (@AntoniaEliason) March 6, 2019