Government surveillance is a topic of major debate in the present technological era, and dealing with privacy issues that surround government surveillance is a growing matter to people all around the globe. Smartphones, computers, cameras, bank ATMs and traffic lights are just the tip of this wide surveillance iceberg. In...
It's an American's moral duty to stand for the national anthem It has been nearly one year since NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick made headlines by refusing to stand during the national anthem at a 49ers preseason game. Citing mass oppression of African-Americans and institutional racism throughout the police system as...
On Sept. 5, President Trump rescinded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an Obama-era executive action protecting almost 800,000 undocumented young adults from deportation. Americans in all but name, these young immigrants pay taxes, work, serve in the military — and attend college. Since the announcement, academic administrators across the...
Earlier this year, the creator of the Android operating system released his first Android phone. A major reason he did this was in the hopes that he could help break up the Apple-Samsung duopoly of the cell phone market. The question is: Can he really do that? When he dreamed...
Oxford’s public school system has earned its rank of No. 1 in the state. Today, we have an opportunity to reaffirm our community’s commitment to quality public education and ensure that our schools continue to have the funding they need to function. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., citizens can vote...
As I was traveling through Germany waiting for my study abroad program to start, I couldn’t help but notice all the monuments, memorials and museums dedicated to the victims of the Nazi regime. I only stayed in Berlin for a few days, but it was hard to walk far without...
I will be the first to say that Betsy DeVos was a pitiful choice as secretary of education. I am a proud product of the classic underfunded, small 1-A school, and I detest her educational elitism. However, her recent decision to reform Title IX is one decision that I can...
The new half of the Student Union opened recently. Red brick facade, white accents, shimmering floor-to-ceiling windows and glimmering floors. The space sure looks nice and new but is one of the most frustrating things about this campus. Over the past five years, I have seen a lot of completed...
They prepare our food in the Union, serve us our coffee in the library, clean our classrooms and bathrooms and do many other indispensable jobs for our university. Yet the low-wage workers who make this campus function every day get very little time in our thoughts and considerations. The line...
While I am on board for getting rid of the bear, this shark thing isn't a good idea. Around the country, people are laughing hysterically at us (see: our football program), so let's not add fuel to the already out of control blaze. Yes, the bear was a terrible mascot choice...
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