The Associated Student Body is in election season. On Tuesday March 8 students will vote on the candidates running for office. Voting will be open on MyOleMiss from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Photo courtesy: Lila Osman.
Lila Osman – running for president
Osman is from Ocean Springs, Mississippi. She is a junior public policy leadership major. Osman’s goal as president is to increase visibility, growth and unity, not only within ASB but within our campus.

Photo courtesy: Alex Nabors.
Alex Nabors – running for vice president
Nabors is from Kansas City, Missouri. She is a junior finance and real estate major. Nabors’ goal as vice president is to be a good neighbor and help foster relationships with constituents and administrators any way she can. This means more tabling and visits to other registered student organizations to talk to students, fun activities for senators to get to know one another and inviting administrators to panel at informal senates.

Photo courtesy: Kaylynn Steen.
Kaylynn Steen – running for secretary
Steen is from Brandon, Mississippi. She is a junior journalism and public policy leadership major. Steen’s goal as secretary is that ASB should be a reflection of the student body, and the only way to properly fulfill that goal is for ASB members to be actively engaging with the student body.

Photo courtesy: Emily Hawes.
Emily Hawes – running for treasurer
Hawes is from Houston. She is a sophomore accounting major. Hawes’ goal as treasurer is that the treasury can be widely understood and easily utilized by students across campus.

Photo courtesy: Kinsey Carlson.
Kinsey Carlson – running for attorney general
Carlson is from Murphy, Texas. She is a junior public policy major. Carlson is currently living in Washington D.C. for an internship with the United States Senate. Carlson’s goals for attorney general are to inspire integrity within the elections process by consistently updating the ASB Code and Constitution so that the verbiage used is understandable by everyone, as well as ensuring the elections process is completely transparent and equitable to those who are interested in running and those who are voting.

Photo courtesy: Maddy Ryan.
Maddy Ryan – running for attorney general
Ryan is from Memphis. She is a sophomore international studies and Chinese major. Ryan’s goals for attorney general are to look for more creative elections engagement, coupled with higher voter turnout and look for more equitable elections reform that protects both students and the integrity of the campaign process.

Photo courtesy: Preston Antes.
Preston Antes – running for judicial chair
Antes is from St. Louis. He is a junior public policy and economics major. His goals include examining the hearing process and continuing to ensure hearings are consistent for every student. Antes believes that the council is in a unique position to identify issues that are facing students that may not be the focus of other branches of ASB.