The City Hall Pocket Park between Oxford City Hall and Square Books Jr. is the Square’s newest addition. However, less than a week after being dedicated by Mayor Robyn Tannehill, the park’s globe fountain was vandalized.
A Facebook post by Oxford Police Department showed security footage from Oct. 24 of two women rolling the sphere off of the fountain’s base. The fountain was placed in the park to honor the life of Gerald Gafford, an influential member of the Oxford community and former president of the Rotary Club of Oxford. The Rotary Club made the original $5,000 donation for the fountain to be added at the park.
Tannehill expressed her disappointment upon seeing the broken fountain and video.
“It was really disappointing. We are so proud of our new City Hall Pocket Park and the beautiful space it provides our residents and visitors,” Tannehill said. “It made me sick that it was treated with such disrespect.”
This disrespect will not go without consequences. OPD’s post also elaborated on how the damages exceed $5,000, constituting a felony charge of vandalism, which can be punishable by fine or jail time under Mississippi’s malicious mischief laws. Tannehill also elaborated on the extent of the damages and the city’s plans to deal with them.
“It will have to be replaced as the sphere is cracked all the way through. We ordered another fountain this morning and are developing a plan to secure it to prevent further vandalism,” she said.
Many members of the community have commented on OPD’s Facebook post, debating whether the act was a harmless prank or an ignorant act of vandalism. Tannehill made a clear stance on the matter.
“It is sad to me that people look at this event as if it was a ‘harmless prank’ or something the city should have expected. I guess I just expect more from our students that call our community home,” Tannehill said. “Vandalism is never a harmless prank. Reckless behavior always has consequences. This was a thoughtless act that disregards the value of our community.”
In the coming days, OPD will release the names of those responsible and official charges against them.