The sophomore season of “Insecure” left fans laughing but also in tears at times as they wrapped up the season with shocking conclusions.

“Insecure” depicts Issa Dee’s life with authenticity and comedy through relatable experiences. After a bad breakup, Issa fully embraces the single life and tries to jump back on the dating scene with the support of her friend Molly.
However, Molly has problems of her own that are both professional and personal. As a lawyer, she feels unappreciated at her current law firm, and as a woman, she searches for a love similar to her parents’. Lawrence, Issa’s ex-boyfriend, has a difficult time adjusting to the single life as he rebounds with his bank teller and co-worker while also trying to maintain his “good guy” image. The problems of Issa, Molly and Lawrence are carefully laid out on the table during the season finale.
Writers approached the final episode in a different way by switching the structure. This time around, the show was split into 30-day segments told from the different perspectives of Issa, Molly and Lawrence. This structure gave an insight into how each character responded to situations differently and also left viewers on the edge of their seats.
Issa, Molly and Lawrence’s segments all started at a 5k run. Lawrence’s presence at the run wasn’t initially known to Issa nor Molly, but he spotted Issa first, and his demeanor instantly changed, as if a dark cloud were present. Issa just happened to be looking away during a conversation with friends when she spotted Lawrence with his new “boo.” The look of hurt on Issa’s face was only a portion of the great acting that made this episode.
By Issa and Lawrence’s reaction to each other at the 5k run, there was no doubting the unfinished business between the two. The show reached an emotional peak when the two finally met in their old apartment to discuss what went wrong with their relationship. The performance of the two was phenomenal as they both fought tears during this conversation, which made it more realistic for viewers. The outcome of the conversation led Issa into a dream sequence of what could have been. She pictured Lawrence asking her to marry him and them spending the rest of their lives with each other.
This dream sequence captured the essence of “Insecure,” a show that is based off of relatable experiences like imagining a life with your ex even after the breakup. Touching on social topics is also an essence of “Insecure.”
The finale also highlighted Issa’s view on gentrification. Issa noticed how a particular neighborhood was being renovated to conform to middle-class taste. A family-owned restaurant was replaced with a modern salon. This reminded her of the gentrification of her own neighborhood, one of the reasons she decided to move out of her apartment.
Another interesting aspect of this finale was the couch.
The couch had great significance in Issa and Lawrence’s relationship. It was something they shared when they were together, and it was also where they shared a lot of meaningful memories. When Issa called to tell Lawrence she thought he should have it, the couch opened the door for them to have a conversation they needed to have. Their relationship started and ended with the couch. In the last scene of the finale, when Issa arrived at an old fling’s house, she mentioned sleeping on the couch. This gave way to new beginnings.
Molly found herself stuck between “what could”be and “what should” be in her professional and personal life this episode. She felt like she should stay at her law firm even though she felt unappreciated. On the other hand, she could go to a different law firm, where she would be provided the pedestal she deserved. In regards to love, she had someone who she knew would adore her, opposed to someone who was a part of an open marriage. Although Molly seemed to have it all together, her decision-making proved she’s only human.
All in all, this episode lived up to the hype of the previous episodes. Now, fans must wait for the third season to see Issa’s innovative hairstyles and epic mirror monologues.