In an Associated Student Body election with only one contested race, Maddy Ryan — a sophomore international studies major — was elected to be ASB Attorney General on Tuesday with 58.63% of the vote.

The Associated Student Body announced the results of their spring election in the student union auditorium. There were 2,014 students that participated in the election.
The rest of the executive positions elected are as follows: junior public policy leadership major Lila Osman as ASB President, junior finance and real estate major Alex Nabors as ASB Vice President, junior journalism and public policy leadership major Kaylynn Steen as ASB Secretary, sophomore accounting major Emily Hawes as ASB Treasurer and junior public policy leadership and economics major Preston Antes as ASB Judicial Chair.
“Throughout this journey in ASB, I’ve learned many different things and it’s been really rewarding in a lot of different ways,” Osman said in response to a question during the ASB executive candidate debate March 2.
In addition to voting to fill the above executive positions as well as senatorial seats, students also voted to pass an initiative that raises the Student Activity Fee from $5 per semester to $2 per credit hour per semester, with 79.42% of voting students voted to implement the changes.