This guest column is in response to Will Hall's column "Elect McDaniel, oppose establishment" published Oct. 16. While the night of Nov. 8 was a great rejection of the American establishment and an acceptance of waves of populism, it was also a day that the people who should have been...
Internet freedom is the 21st century lifeline. It’s been a recent part of growth in small towns and to the whole world. But many don’t believe in the power of internet freedom. Many may think state laws and national laws around the internet are fictitious or the concerns are exaggerated, but...
It’s been a long day, and you come home to see your social media feed populated with articles about an orphanage that was bombed, a tweet storm from the White House and a quiz that will tell you which puppy best fits your personality. Which do you choose? Many students...
The night of Nov. 8, 2016, I was glued to my television, watching one of the greatest dramas of our lifetime come to its thrilling finale. As President-elect Donald Trump approached the podium, people around the country laughed, while others cried all while the Republican Party fell on life support....
In the wake of a devastating mass shooting in Las Vegas, the question of gun control is being brought up again. And, to be fair, it is not a bad question. I am very pro-Second Amendment, but that does not mean that I do not believe in any forms of...
Recently, Mississippi HB 1523 went into effect. It has brought no small amount of both praise and disgust. Personally, I know many LGBTQ individuals on campus who were shocked, hurt and troubled by its passing. With such troublesome news for our LGBTQ friends, it is understandable that they may be...
I always found the American phrase “the elephant in the room” to be very fascinating. It’s a bizarre idiom, but it's one that provides a powerful metaphor. This phrase gives us a way to mention something so embedded in culture and society that it often proves hard to address. Every...
You never know how much you have until you try to fit it in a carry-on bag. That’s a key lesson I’ve learned in my time in Europe: More things aren’t always better. When living out of a backpack for a month, you realize that those “few things” you brought...
Landshark 'symbolizes unity' The Landshark hand gesture is a charismatic sign that, when thrown up, brings unity and acknowledgment of our school pride to all of us. It is not covered in “legendary controversy” but is a prideful symbol that symbolizes unity and doesn’t offend anyone. Nevertheless, some have an...
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Obviously the need for a state militia has been replaced by the National Guard...
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